Some, like Jack Martin Leith and Terry Gibson have affectionate memories but are wondering whether AMED may have had its day.
From Jack
During the late 80s and early 90s, AMED was a hotbed of innovation. It burned brightly for about 10 years. Then along came the web.
The 1990s saw concepts such as strategy, culture, vision, values, engagement and teamwork move from the wings to take centre stage, and AMED members played a vital role in that.
And then, it seems, their work was done so why would anyone want to be a member these days? What can such entities provide that can’t be acquired by other means, and mostly for free?
I’m surprised that AMED still exists. For me, it is no longer relevant and I cannot see how it might become a major force again.
I have warm memories of AMED and am grateful for what I learned and the connections I made with exceptional people.”
And from Terry, who has been “attempting a digital detox”.
I’m not sure if the AMED I joined was just a product of its time that ran its course or an organisation held together by charismatic leaders who moved on.
Personally, I loved the learning, the networking, the curiosity, the conferences and workshops, the interactions with university departments, the satisfaction of producing O&P, the exploration with local members who would never have connected otherwise.
Maybe the needs of a new generation are similar but the methods out of kilter. In our information tsunami, so much is out there (some of it even true) with so many ways to connect. Perhaps the need is not for an independent ‘club’ but for a rich pool of information, ideas and contacts to dip in and out at will. But then wasn’t AMED always so?
I’m sorry if I appear a bit negative or pessimistic but I’m so far out of it now. My affection for those I met through AMED remains and I wish you all well in you endeavours.”