
A Sound Piece

Title of Piece: Sample
Artist’s Statement
Sample is a voiceover sound work, a short meditation on biomedical understandings of the body, choreographic concepts, and personal experiences of chronic illness. It is also an invitation to step back from the hyperdrive of visual online content; to listen to your own body.
Inspired by the world of ASMR and motivated by a desire to explore the intimate potential of sound, the work
engages in choreographic, linguistic, and aural expression, weaving a nuanced and ever-changing textural web, stemming from a sense-based appreciation of the body.
Suggestions for experiencing the full power of this work Please make yourself as comfortable as possible, lying down or sitting, you may wish to use cushions or blankets to stay cosy, or even set yourself up in bed, feel free to honour any movement that arises. The immersive format of the work is designed to provoke physiological reactions. If you are uncomfortable at any point, please feel free to pause the audio and take a break or stop it at any time. The use of headphones is recommended for the best listening experience, but loudspeakers can also work well. Please close your eyes after pressing play if you feel comfortable to do so.


Sound design, mixing and image by Ailie Ormston. Supported by Dance 4.
Artist portrait photo by Michael Cradock.

About Aniela

Aniela Piasecka is a dance artist whose work tends towards the collective. Aside from her work with Olivia Norris, Isabel Palmstierna, and Paloma Proudfoot for the group STASIS, she also collaborates frequently with film-maker Daniel Cook; curator, artist, and DJ Francis Dosoo; and musician Ailie Ormston.

In both collaboration and solo research, a continuous will to explore the link between affect and space underpins Aniela’s work, coupled with an ongoing curiosity regarding how different environments impact on, and are impacted by, the body. Her outputs combine choreography, text, film, sound, and installation; colliding between visual art contexts (Glasgow International, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop and the Irish Museum of Modern Art) and performance contexts (Dance International Glasgow, The Place).

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