Tony Page emphasises the importance of reaching out into the ecosystem and Bob MacKenzie suggests, ‘Hope … comes from forming nimble, flexible, temporary alliances and partnerships with other like-minded networks.’
Here we look outwards and find two sharply contrasting perspectives.
We often receive speculative pieces from PR agencies which we mostly turn down because the authors seem intent only on persuading us of their conclusions and their expertise. We haven’t found many willing to engage in dialogue or to be candid about their learning and doubts and the limits of their knowledge. We make an exception here for a book promotion from Fast Future Publishing which we include verbatim. The ‘brave new world’ it foretells seems to represent the very opposite of what the spirit of AMED is striving for. In a way, it highlights what we’re up against.

The book, ‘The Future – Reinvented: Reimagining Life, Society, and Business’, is by Rohit Talwar and 4 co-authors and explores 25 potential human transformations.
“We are entering the age of artificial intelligence (AI); standing on the precipice of radical growth in human productivity enabled by bio-technological enhancements. It is increasingly conceivable, and scientifically possible, that humanity might be ready to surpass all previous real or imagined limitations of our brains and bodies.
Most of the emerging transformational technologies aimed at human enhancement fall under a few general categories, including: chemical, genetic, neurological and electronic enhancement, radical life extension and cryogenic preservation.”
You can read their full synopsis here and you may think I stand with the Luddites.

And then perhaps contrast this invitation from the The Humanistic Management Network which launched its UK Chapter recently.
The network is an international group of practitioners and academics who share a concern that organisations exist to benefit society. Humanistic management is based on three principles; 1) respect for the dignity of each person, 2) ethical organizational decisions and processes and 3) on-going dialogue with multiple stakeholders.
You can check the Humanistic Management Manifesto here.