Your invitation
Do come and join us for any of our highly participative gatherings that explore the contribution that writing, reading and conversations, interacting, make to our personal and professional lives.
We are a friendly, open, informal and generous community of writing practice, which has been engaging with each other for well over 20 years. We welcome anyone who is interested in any form or context of writing, reading and conversation for personal, professional, organisational or creative development. As critical friends, we are always looking for opportunities to support and celebrate each other’s writing/reading/conversational projects, enthusiasms and interests, in any way we can.
We also welcome offers to propose and/or facilitate a themed session.
Normally, we meet in person on the 1st Friday afternoon of every even-numbered month at Roots and Shoots, London SE11 6DN from 1.15 to 4.30 pm, unless shown otherwise. Roots and Shoots is our preferred venue, as we are assured a congenial private space in an environmental charity (Roots and Shoots) that we’re keen to support.
Our emerging AWG Schedule for 2024
We are constantly negotiating details, which are added throughout the year. Our gatherings are always open to offers to facilitate a session in a spirit of critical friendship, and we welcome anyone who shares an interest in writing in any form, stage of development or context. So please feel free to spread the word.
You are welcome to contact me at any time if you have any questions or suggestions, or if you’d like to offer to facilitate one of our gatherings. I do hope that we’ll get to meet in 2024 and beyond.
Best wishes for your writing interests. Bob (MacKenzie) E: bob@amed.org.uk–
Our venue: The Garden Room, Roots and Shoots, London SE11 6DN, https://www.rootsandshoots.org.uk/,
Our 2024 Schedule: usually every first Friday of each even-numbered month:
2 February: Starting our New Writing Year
5 April : What writing means to me. Open Session.
7 June: Anna Fairtlough and Shelagh Doonan, Part 1; open space, Part 2 (themes tbc)
2 August : open to offers, and depending on participants’ Summer holiday arrangements
4 October: open to offers
6 December Private Passions and Review of our Writing Year:
There will be a nominal charge of £10 per person, to be collected in cash on arrival, to cover the cost of room hire and refreshments.
Watch this space and click on the links as they emerge for more details of dates, themes, facilitators and other AWG news.